As summer is almost upon us, many are wondering if the pools and spray park will open. We are happy to report the BML Pools and Spray Park will be opening for the 2021 season. Opening day is Saturday, May 29th, at 11:00 a.m. with the last day of the season being Monday, September 6th. There will be a capacity restriction, cleaning schedule and registration required.
There will be 4 daily time slots for 90 minutes each. After the 90 minutes all members will be required to leave the pool so that staff may sanitize, as per the CDC guidelines, the pool/area for the next registered members on the 2nd time slot. This process will continue through 7:00 p.m. for a total of 4 swim time slots per pool per day.
Our pool registrations will be handled via website registration for members in good standing (more information will follow via email blasts). If you do not have access to a computer, you may call (570) 421-2129 to register (during operating hours which are Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm).
A general waiver along with a COVID-19 Disclosure, Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnification Agreement must be completed and agreed to at each and every visit to the pool. Admittance will not be permitted without these waivers. Reservations will be limited to 1 per day per account, a maximum of 6 persons in each booking, and we recommend that reservations be made 24 hours in advance. A maximum of 3 sessions can be booked by one account per week. If the reservation holder does not arrive within 15 mins of the scheduled time slot, their time is forfeited. Those reserving time slots must be a member in good standing. Prior to entry to the pool, the following will occur at each visit:
1. Each member will present their BML photo i.d. badge and hand in the Pool Waiver and COVID-19 waiver.
2. Pool attendant/monitor will scan member badge and check against reservation list.
3. Each member/guest’s temperature will be taken and logged.
4. Masks are required to be worn at all times, unless you are in the water.
If you are sick or experiencing a fever, we ask that you cancel your registration and not come to the pool. Anyone with a temperature will not be permitted to access the pool area.
Tables (with umbrella’s) and chairs will be set up on the pool deck in compliance with the CDC guidelines for social distancing (no lounge chairs will be provided). Food will not be permitted into the pool area. Bottled water and sports drinks will be permitted. Toys and floats will continue to not be permitted. Only US Coast Guard approved lifejackets will be allowed into the pool area.
When not swimming the mask guidelines as per the CDC will be required to be followed. We ask that you maintain social distancing from anyone outside of your family.
*The above is not inclusive of all rules pertaining to the BML pools and spray park. The 2021 Pool Rules in their entirety will be posted at the pools and spray park and can be found on the website.
It is important to emphasize that each of us is responsible for our own safety and for the safety of those that are dependent on us. We cannot guarantee the facilities to be COVID-19 free. We will continue to ask each of you to do your part and to always cooperate with the staff.
These operating plans are subject to change based on government and health department directives, guidance issued by the CDC, and advice from our professional partners.