
BML Operations Office

A quick reminder…

In response to the current wave of Corona-virus (COVID-19 Pandemic) and the new modeling projected for December, Governor Wolf and the Secretary of Health have revised and reissued orders for businesses that are located in areas of substantial levels (Monroe County is currently considered at substantial levels).

To ensure that your Preferred Management team is able to continue serving the Blue Mountain Lake Club during these unprecedented times, while ensuring the safety of our team members, the Blue Mountain Lake Operations Office will be closed to in-person activity until further notice. A member of our team will be available onsite and/or remotely Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Should you have a question, need to make an assessment payment, need to submit a permit application, need to order a resale certificate or guidance with an association matter, we encourage members to leverage all the telephone and email tools that we have available.

Contacting management by phone: Please call the BML Operations Office at 570-421-2129. A member of our team will be available to answer your calls during business hours (Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm).

To contact a member of the management team via email:

Laurie Gonzalez, Community Manager: laurieg@preferredmanagement.org

Yvonne Teta, Assistant Community Manager: yvonnet@preferredmanagement.org

Stacy Sliziewicz, Admin. Support and Collections: stacys@preferredmanagement.org

Greg Decker, Facilities Maintenance Manager: bmlcmaint@preferredmanagement.org

To make an assessment payment:

Check or Money Order: Please continue utilizing the secure drop box located on the left side of the Office porch.

Credit/Debit Cards: Please call the Office at 570-421-2129 and a member of our team can process your payment over the phone.

Our security staff will continue to work to maintain the safety, preservation and security of the Blue Mountain Lake community as follows: Monday – Friday 5:00 pm to 1:00 am and weekends from 9:00 am to 1:00 am. Security can be reached during these hours by calling 570-242-4504.