
BML Community Garden – Only 6 plots left!

Only 6 plots left!

The Blue Mountain Lake Club Community Garden (BML™ Community Garden) grows more than food; it promotes community spirit, uses under-utilized community spaces in a beautiful and productive way, promotes family bonding and provides a supplemental source of healthy food. Gardening can also help your stay healthy… other than the obvious benefits like increasing heart rate, getting fresh air, and keeping your body moving, gardening can improve your immunity due to the beneficial bacteria in the soil!

During this time, when many people are working from home and students are learning at home, gardening can be a positive family-inclusive activity to adopt that provides a new level of togetherness while producing a wonderful bounty!

The BML™ Community Garden, located across from our beautiful lake (along Southshore Meadows and behind Bowwood Court) is a shared space with 32 individual 4’ x 8’ raised beds. Beds are available to rent for the season (May 1 – November 30) for a nominal seasonal fee of $35 per bed. The rental fee includes amended soil, access to water, a compost bin, drop off area (and parking at the boat launch) and bi-weekly weed maintenance of the common areas inside and outside the community garden (individual bed maintenance is the responsibility of each bed owner). There are only 6 plots left!!  Call the BML™ Office today (570-421-2129) or email us at laurieg@preferredmanagement.org to reserve your plot and receive your BMLC Community Garden Membership packet.


All gardeners must comply with all social distancing requirements, including maintaining distances of at least 6 feet, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), and wearing a mask and disposable gloves when using the water hose. All disposable items brought in need to be disposed of properly in the provided waste receptacles. Failure to comply to all rules and regulations of the Community Garden and the Association may result in non-refundable forfeiture of garden plot.