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Life is Better in a Gold Star Community

The home you are considering purchasing is part of a community recognized for its excellence as a Gold Star Community by the Pennsylvania and Delaware Valley Chapter of Community Associations Institute (CAI).

A Gold Star Community is recognized by CAI as a community that works hard to develop and maintain standards, encourages community participation, maintains fiscal stability, and positively impacts the quality of life for residents.

The Gold Star program recognizes excellence in a community. Homes located within Gold Star communities are industry recognized as among the best places to live.

Gold Star achievement indicates that this community is financially healthy with adequate reserves to meet future needs and that this community has taken the necessary steps to protect and improve the quality of life and value of property in the community.

In order to earn Gold Star recognition, this community demonstrated its commitment to achieving excellence in the following areas:

  • General Characteristics of the Community
  • Financial Stability
  • Architectural Control
  • Rules Enforcement
  • Communication

Only communities that meet the rigorous requirements of the Gold Star program are awarded Gold Star status.

The Gold Standard

The Board of Directors at Traditions at Skippack view the CAI Gold Star program as a highly regarded standard for excellence in all facets of community management. Receiving this award from an independent organization of community management experts, confirms to our residents that their community is being managed to the highest standards in the industry. This award also makes our community much more appealing to prospective residents, resulting in strong property values.

Tom Adamski – President
Traditions at Skippack, a Gold Star Community

A Gold Star Community is industry recognized as a community that is:

  • Managed utilizing the best practices in community association management.
  • Financially healthy with planned reserves for future needs.
  • Committed to protect and improve the quality of life and value of property in the community.
  • More marketable to potential homebuyers through sound management and community involvement.

Disclaimer: The Gold Star Community Program indicates to professionals, vendors, and existing and prospective homebuyers that the community follows basic and open policies and procedures. Associations participating in this or any other program sponsored by the chapter remains responsible for their own liability and the liability of their volunteers, officers, and employees. In determining that a community qualifies for the Gold Star rating, the chapter evaluates procedures and practices of the association for general conformance with industry standards based upon answers in a questionnaire developed by the chapter and certain supporting documentation. The chapter does not have the resources to investigate the accuracy of information supplied by the association and does not do so. No one is entitled to rely on the Gold Star Community program as an indicator of the fiscal soundness or proper operation of the association or for any other purpose. Associations are not required to be CAI members to qualify for Gold Star recognition.


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