Do you have what it takes to be a BMLC Board of Director?
Working on the Board can be an enriching experience and can help you make lasting, positive changes to the community. There are four (4) seats available for this 2020 Election (each a two-year term as per the Bylaws of the Association). If you are considering running for the BMLC Board of Directors, please take a few moments and ask yourself the following three questions:
- Do I have the time?
As a BMLC board member, you will need to devote at least several hours of your time each month to Association business. In addition to regular board meetings, you will need to be active in email discussions and occasional special meetings. During special projects, you may need to spend a little extra time on Association business. Some board members may also spend a little more time than others if they work with a committee. Some committees include: Finance, Safety, and Events just to name a few! You do not have to participate in every committee, but should pick one that you want to be involved in.
- Can I make tough decisions when it’s required?
The primary roles of a BMLC board is to protect, enhance and maintain the Association. This does not just mean approving the budget, but also developing and enforcing policies. Board members are required to step outside their immediate circle of family and neighbors and make decisions based on the greater good of the community. Not every member is going to like the decisions that the board makes. You may have to make some tough and unpopular decisions. But you and the rest of the board have the best interest of the entire community in mind when you vote on every issue.
- Can I do all this and have fun too?
It is not all about policies and tough decisions. Our community is only as good as we make it and establishing and maintaining a sense of community is a part of a BMLC board member’s responsibility. Planning and attending functions such as social events, the annual membership meeting, and having a presence in the community are as important as any policy decisions you may make.
Being a BMLC board member can be frustrating at times, but it may also be one of the most rewarding ways you will find to volunteer your time. If you are interested in running for the board or would like more details about your board member’s responsibilities, please do not hesitate to contact your Community Manager or a current board member.
- Candidate packets will be available at the Office and via email (upon request) as of August 14, 2020.
- Candidate submissions are due to the Office no later than Monday, September 15, 2020 by 4:00 pm.
- The Annual Meeting of the Association is Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 1:00 pm at the BMLC Clubhouse or via Zoom due to the potential restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.